Seminar Testimonials
I am still processing all the information. I am still receiving healing events like the healing of my right Achilles tendon (it is finally getting it :) ). I am having more very interesting dreams and getting a great sleep. Today in particular I have felt complete balance. What a wondering feeling that is. I know that working with this information on a personal level will increase my intuition and incorporating the processes into others' lives as well. Thanks Jarka and Don. I would also like to thank all the wonderful students who had a hand in all the healing processes. We are amazing!!!
Colleen L
Thank you both Don and Jarka very much for teaching Level 1 Yuen Method in such a fun, practical, simple, experiential style that breaks through limiting resistance and barriers that hold us back! Yuen Method definitely activates our own internal insight to strengthen all areas of our lives. I will use this in my Holistic Wellness practice and in my personal life.
Sheila F
Session Testimonials
Though it sounds unbelievable, it is true that our physical, mental, and spiritual state can be changed in no time with Yuen Method. Thanks to Jarka and Don, after their session I can see a lot of changes in me. My perspective of seeing things and people is changed, frequency of recurring mental patterns is reduced to a greater extent. It has helped me introspect my thoughts, and situations and accordingly respond and improve myself in all aspects of life. It has given me the ability to stop and identify whether I am being judgemental, or complaining and has improved my relationship with family and people outside. Their sessions helped me to remove those engrossed pains, fear, and insecurities of life. I thank both of them again for their sessions and regular strengthening for my family and me always.
AA, India
Hello Everyone
I am from India and have been taking consultation from Jarka from past 2 months with solutions to all my questions. This time I contacted her for my mother's behavioral change which was just not manageable with any kind of treatment. She managed to give me impeccable results and my mother is completely alright now! Thank you Jarka once again for always being there! God Bless.
PN, India
First I would like to thank Don and Jarka for their generous focus, sensitivity and time. A session with them was indeed fun as well as very interesting and practical. I learned so much which built on what I already knew about myself but also shone a light into my history and present life. I especially appreciated getting practical skills to help me with my family relationships and even my working life. While they worked with me I had many "ah ah" moments and felt my mind clear. The shift in my body energy was perceptible too. This clarity has continued after the session and is a real gift. I am so grateful for the experience I had with them. It was amazing.
HH of the Yukon
It is always such a delight to talk to them both....I don't think I've laughed so much in any type of session, EVER! Don brings a calm, solid, grounded energy that puts me in a very calm, still place. Jarka has such a strong connection to her intuition -- her direction is right on and all the while making things fun.
While direct, their insight assists you in discovering the energy that is weak and shifting you into a new place of inner-freedom. They are also very adept at directing you to tune into your own insight and locate weaknesses for yourself. I've never met two people so willing, capable, thorough and who go above and beyond with their time to get you to a place where you want to be. I am very grateful to have found them! I've experienced many methods, but Yuen Method has shifted me the quickest and no doubt that Jarka and Don will assist you in your goals with great speed.
N.P., United States,
I have heard of the Yuen Method for awhile but never experienced it until I needed healing recently. Through Dr. Yuen's website, I found Don & Jarka and contacted them without much hesitation as their website was reassuring enough for me.
I felt so much junk from lifetimes cleared out of my body and field during the sessions. I was brought to a reference or reminder of my true self. Each session had been a different experience, and I saw the progress of being lead towards self-empowerment. The Yuen Method offers fresh perspectives which bridge traditional and newer understanding to the current fast pace world. Immediate results can happen at the quantum level, but we always have work to do on our own by being aware and conscious. By remembering that we have the responsibility and choice for ourselves, we become clear and authentic in order to truly contribute to the world.
I know that Don & Jarka are genuine and dedicated in their work and assisting others. They were very generous with their time, good with sending emails, as well as accommodated me in short notice for my first appointment. I have recommended them to my friends, even though I do healing work myself. I am also curious about this modality which I will consider learning.
Constance, BC
I corrected some mother cows of their spiritual attachments and it really helped. It was storming outside, cold and snowy, a cow had a new born calf and they were lying out in the wind. When I corrected the mom to be smarter and take her calf to some shelter, she did.
Louise B, Alberta
I truly feel so amazing and positive after our session yesterday, you really opened my eyes and helped me follow my path. Martin is now desperate to have a session with you.... Hope to see you again soon and thank you so much.
Michelle, Lima, Peru
Just an update...your work is nothing short of a miracle. I've no restless leg syndrome or arthritic pain. Yesterday I used what you taught me and released a long time burden. I'm excited to take your class in the near future and appreciate your ongoing healing attention to my family. It was surely meant that you Don and Jarka were to be our healers. I will always hold you in LIGHT. Heart felt thanks.
Christine, Kyle & Lauren, United States
I met Don and Jarka informally. Actually, my children connected with them quite naturally. Jarka seemed to be inspired to give me a spontaneous reading for each of my children, which touched me deeply and because it rang true in me, it shifted my way of parenting and especially boosted my confidence in my kids path and choices. Don and Jarka's generosity and spark is just lovely, and I enjoyed my own session some time later so much! It is a great pleasure to be around both of them :)
VJ, Armstrong, BC
I recently had the opportunity to see Don and Jarka and their work with the Yuen method ....I was so surprised and amazed at what they could tell me about my physical body and about all things past and present that are affecting me today. I came in without feeling the need for any major fixes in my life but this enhanced my feeling of wellbeing and helped clarify some specific issues that i had not been paying attention to, like foot pain, headaches, back pain, and gut discomfort, and helped to clarify my passions and purpose in life. It was really meaningful and helpful for me to have this process done and it felt like they really 'knew' me and knew what it was that I needed to have for improvements in all areas of my life (home, work, family). So many small details affecting me were brought forward. I was already feeling good but I came away feeling so much brighter and lighter, so energized and so safe. For several days afterwards I was able to feel shifts in my physical body and it was as if I was experiencing actual chiropractic adjustments. So much detail and so much information was given which I can use immediately and quickly anytime. I would recommend everyone to see Don and Jarka for a deeply personal and beneficial consultation that is also very fast and fun. They did their work with integrity, now I have to do mine!
Liesa H, Vernon, BC
I will admit that I was skeptical about what Jarka and Don were doing. But once I allowed them to work on me, I realized that what they were doing was good. They continued to work on me and made a huge difference in my life at a critical time. I so appreciate their generosity, their humor, their teaching, and the healing that came through them. I believe the impact that Don and Jarka made in my life will last, and I am so very grateful.
Janet, Alberta
Před deseti lety jsem onemocněla boreliozou. Jelikož lékaři nepoznali nemoc, dostala se až do třetího nevyléčitelného stadia. Nemoc postihla pohybový aparát, byla jsem asi měsíc ochrnutá a oslepla jsem na levé oko.Viděla jsem pouze vnějším koutkem šedé skvrny. Nastala ztráta krátkodobé paměti, a bylo zasaženo řečové centrum, takže jsem koktala. Po několikerém přeléčení antibiotiky na nervový systém v nemocnici a poté antibiotika na svalový aparát mi zůstaly bolesti svalů, nepřekonatelná únava, slepé levé oko, neustále oteklé nohy a po dvouletech jsem přestala po jednom přeléčení koktat. Letos na podzim mě navštívila kamarádka Jarka Pajk s přítelem Donem a nabídli mi pomoc. V té době jsem měla velké bolesti levé nohy, občas i pravé, takže jsem už začala kulhat jako těsně po borelioze. Bolesti byly v noci v klidu, přes den při pohybu, pořád. Po 4 dnech jejich působení na mě jsem bez bolesti nohou, nejsem unavená jako dřív a jelikož spolu komunikujeme po telefonu, léčí mě průběžně a začala jsem vidět na levé oko. Vidím celým okem nejenom koutkem a mám pouze místy šedé skvrny, ale již vidím, co kolem mě je i levým okem. Nejsem unavená tolik jako dřív. Brala jsem asi 10 let antihistaminika na alergii, ale lékaři nezjistili původce. Bez léků jsem měla pupínky, které velice svědily a při škrábání se to zvětšovalo čím dál víc po celém těle. Od září, co na mě působila Jarka s Donem jsem přestala léky užívat a vůbec nemám problémy se svěděním kůže a vyrážkou. Nohy mi skoro neotékají. Jsem jim velice vděčná a moc děkuji za jejich pomoc.
Táňa Myšáková, Czech Republic
I have had several sessions of Yuen Method™ with Jarka and I have to tell you that the work she does is brilliant. I was researching Yuen Method™ for myself when Jarka called and was very excited about a course she had just completed. When she told me what it was I started to laugh. She asked me if I would be a case study for her and I agreed immediately.
Jarka did my first session and at first I didn’t feel much, however I felt a inner calm that wasn’t there before. The beauty of this work is that it is subtle, there are no flashing lights, bells or whistles. It is very subtle and each day I was noticing little tiny changes. Jarka worked on me several more times. The turmoil that was brewing inside of me was calming down more each day and an injury that I had to my toe several years ago was also subsiding. I had suffered with this injury for approximately nine years at that point. Today I have no pain in my toe which is awesome. I am now able to walk without pain and it doesn’t ache anymore. It used to be extremely painful when I wore shoes because of the pressure on the toe, that is completely gone. That is the most significant and dramatic external change I’ve experienced. Most of the healing has taken place within my body. I am more confident, self assured and just have a sense of wellbeing. I have increased my business and taken on a new one. I’m also studying a course that I’ve wanted to learn for a long time. I attribute that to Jarka’s work with me, one thing I will say is that we are responsible for our own health and lives, the Yuen Method™ is a tool to help us on our path.
There is work to be done outside of the sessions with Don or Jarka and it is up to us to make those choices to wellbeing. In my experience complimentary therapies work with your own innate knowing and it is that that helps us to heal our lives and our bodies. Go into this with an open mind and let your body respond. Take the clues that it is giving you and work with it not against it. Both Don and Jarka are extremely knowledgeable and have high integrity. They are kind and wonderful people. If you are thinking about seeking help, I would not hesitate to recommend either Jarka or Don to help you on your path to self discovery and a pain free life.
Dianne, Salmon Arm, BC